
Our beautiful Brazilian beauty, Gabriella, may be relatively new to the Forever Tantric team but is a complete professional when it comes to tantric massage.  With her dark and seductive chocolate brown eyes, her warm personality shines through. Her feminine curves, alluring smile, and captivating personality make her exceptional company.  Her healing hands will ease away any tension and stress with sensual strokes and titillating teases.  She knows just how to make the most memorable body-to-body massage experience.

Why not see what this bombshell can do for you and book an erotic tantric massage with her today!


Nationality: Brazilian
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Languages Spoken: Portuguese, English, passable Spanish and French
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5’4

Price Range

Incall Outcall
1 hour £250 £300
1.5 hour £350 £400
2 hour £500 £550
Open chat
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