Belly Dancing Massage

Looking For Something Unique? Why Not Try An Exotic Belly Dancing Massage?

Our talented girls incorporate the artful techniques of Tantric Massage and the beguiling nature of Belly Dancing to provide an explosive exotic massage that will wow the senses and bring you to new heights of erotic ecstasy.

As you watch, your masseuse will transport you to a world of glorious sensuality as she hypnotises you with each twist of her sexy body. Clad in a form-fitting sarong, she will shake her curves for you in a seductive show as you sit back and anticipate how it will feel to have those curves caress you in a full-body exotic belly dancing massage. Set to the music of the Middle East and with the sweet aromas of specially selected hand-rolled incense, your masseuse can make all your fantasies come true, giving you an unforgettable Arabian Night.

She will sashay closer as the dance winds down, and slip out of her sarong for the second portion of the evening. Using the highest quality Swiss massage oil, your masseuse will use her full, luscious body to melt away your cares and stress. You can lie back and relax as she glides her curves over your body, soothing away your stress and bringing you to a place of exotic, erotic fantasy come to life.

Belly Dancing Massage Prices

Massage Duration Premium Masseuse Elite Masseuse
1 hour £350 £400
1.5 hour £450 £550
2 hours £550 £650

Book Your Belly Dancing Massage

Don’t delay and book your exclusive massage today!

Our Belly Dancing Massage Treats

The Wonders Of Belly Dancing

Unlike other belly dancing shows, your masseuse is dancing only for you. Not only that, but for you the Seventh Veil comes off, and your masseuse will deliver on the promise that the belly dancing massage provides. Using her whole, gorgeous body, she will give you an unbelievable, unforgettable evening that will have you clamouring for more. Using her expertise in the Tantric Arts she will drive you to the dizzy heights of ecstasy, unlocking within you the kind of deep relaxation that only this type of massage can provide. Her sure touch will stimulate every part of your body, leaving no part of you neglected.

Nothing can come close to comparing to the sensual, exquisite sensations of a belly dancing massage – suspense and promise and erotic delivery. Many men find that they cannot contain the raw power that their masseuse conjures within them. Every one of your nerves will be aflame with wave after wave of heightening desire as she moves over you, bringing you ever closer to release. Lie back and let it happen naturally, as it is your body’s way of expressing the uncontainable forces that she has stirred in you.

Sinfully Good For You

As well as being fabulously indulgent and sinfully sexy, a full body exotic massage also comes with many unexpected side benefits to your health. As well as lowering your blood pressure and helping you to sleep more deeply and easily, even a regular massage can bring down stress levels, soothe aches and pains and help you relax. This exotic massage comes with all of these benefits and more.

Too often we neglect our sexuality, a failing which can lead to many problems both in and out of the bedroom. Issues like premature ejaculation, impotence and erectile dysfunction can plague many men, and are all things that can be greatly helped through the application of a beautiful masseuse directly to the skin! Tantric massage can help you gain back control of your sexuality, increase your stamina and confidence, and enhance your sense of masculinity. The release of pent-up sexual frustration is key to reducing stress, and is as vital as it is enjoyable.

With the pace of modern life growing seemingly faster every day, it’s easy to see why so many of us find it hard to get even five minutes to ourselves to indulge our sexual needs. Your sexuality is as important as any other aspect of your life, and it deserves to be treated as such. Set aside an hour or two with a beautiful, experienced masseuse who can help you to really switch off from the world and indulge yourself for once; you’ll be more relaxed, more confident, and better able to cope with the stresses of everyday life.

Break Out Of The Everyday

Variety is the spice of life, and there are few things spicier than a private belly dance followed by an exotic massage London. If your everyday leaves you feeling dissatisfied with life, then give us a call and give yourself this gift of a lifetime. You’ll never forget it, and you’ll probably want to come back for more! This hot and spicy dance and massage will definitely shake things up.

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