
With her super svelte figure, long shapely legs and lively, engaging character Tilly is a huge asset to the Forever Tantric Dream Team. Tilly is completely captivating, enchanting and magnetic. With her dazzling smile this young tantric massage treasure will knock your socks off! She is the perfect aphrodisiac!

Hypnotically beautiful, Tilly, has oodles of tantric body to body massage experience and enthusiastically states, ‘I love making people feel special with my seductive massages – it makes me feel good too.’ Such a wonderful attitude and a quest to please customers. Tilly has sex appeal, charm and is very refined. She is immaculately presented and sweetly scented. Ladies & Gents, roll out the red carpet for the ravishing, provocative and delectable sweet masseuse, Tilly.

Prepare to be blown away with her mouthwatering massage!


Nationality: Portugese
Hair Colour: Natural Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue/Green
Languages Spoken: Portuguese, English and Spanish
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5’6

Price Range

Incall Outcall
1 hour £250 £300
1.5 hour £350 £400
2 hour £500 £550
Open chat
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