Soapy Massage

"The Wildest Soapy Massage London Has To Offer"

Awaken your sensuality and experience superior sensual massage pleasure with the Forever Tantric Aqua Massage – termed in the USA as a ‘Soapy Massage.’

This Soapy Massage London luxurious experience is the ultimate aphrodisiac! This tantric bathing ritual is about the intimacy of cleansing, the varied sensation of having your entire torso bathed and massaged in warm water whilst breathing in the exotic aroma of the silky soap suds and scented candles adorning the bathroom.

A tantalizing Soapy Massage encourages an even deeper connection with your personal masseuse. It can be compared to a Geisha experience whereby your body is bathed, cleansed, adored and relaxed.

After the bathing ritual, you are gently and carefully towel dried, after which you will be led into the boudoir for a breath-taking, powerful, slow and luxurious tantric massage.

This massage creates an amazing experience which unties the mind, body and soul. Years of pain and tension are simply melted away leaving you feeling special, more confident, connected and in a greater state of equilibrium.

The soapy massage London is just one of the exquisite massage offerings from Forever Tantric.  Why not check out our massage menu for more inspiration?

Soapy Massage Prices

Massage Duration Premium Masseuse Elite Masseuse
1 hour £350 £450
1.5 hour £450 £550
2 hours £550 £700

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