
Our Greek Goddess, Aria, is a tantric sensation. Specialising in the ultimate body to body massage and artful tantric massages, she has a sensational touch. She also love to play with water and its relaxing benefits, so a Soapy Aqua massage could be just the ticket if you’re looking to experience something new.

Aria is a sweet natured girl, whose love of travel informs and expands her interest and love of erotic indulgence.  She also has a passion for yoga, which keeps her figure trim and shapely and her mind grounded and calm.

Aria is available across the Capital for out-call appointments and can provide her exquisite massage experience from the warmth and luxury of your Central London hotel or your private residence.  Alternatively, book an in-call appointment with her in Fitzrovia/Oxford Street, nearest tube station is Tottenham Court Road.

Give our friendly receptionists a call today to get yourself booked in with our beautiful tantric goddess!


Nationality: Greek
Hair Colour: Brunette
Eye Colour: Brown
Languages Spoken: English, Greek
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Height: 5’8

Price Range

Incall Outcall
1 hour £250 £300
1.5 hour £350 £400
2 hour £500 £550
Open chat
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