Benefits of Lingam Massage

What Are The Benefits Of Lingam Massage?

Fans of Lingam Massage are the first to extol its virtues, having personal experience of the immense joy and peace it can bring to a recipient. But having a tantric massage that focuses primarily on your genital area can be a daunting prospect if you’ve not tried it before.

Many believe Lingam Massage to be a fancy term to describe a happy ending massage but that’s not the case.

Lingam is a Sanskrit word which means “shaft of light” and is used to refer to a man’s penis. Lingam massage harnesses sexual energy to create prolonged, incredible pleasure and rather than using sexual stimulation to reach an end goal, the serene tantric touch instead allows a man to reconnect with his sexual self and use this newfound confidence in all areas of his life.

The purpose of lingam massage is to give pleasure. Orgasm is natural and does sometimes occur during a Lingam Massage but the aim of it is not to promote orgasm. However, to get the most out of your experience you should unashamedly listen to your body and allow it to respond to the tantric touch as it requires.

So what are the benefits of Lingam Massage?

Firstly, the sensual and erotic nature of a Lingam Massage means it can be a fantastic way to release tension and stress. The experience begins with a full body massage so you can relax, unwind and surrender yourself to the touch of your tantric goddess, who will ensure your entire body is given plenty of attention before her efforts turn to the phallus.

Your skin is the largest organ of the human body. To give it so much attention and thoughtful caresses can improve circulation, lower blood pressure and soothe any muscle aches and pains.

If you suffer from insomnia or anxiety, a Lingam Massage can give you the opportunity to find peace and serenity, clear your mind and get better rest.

As well as encouraging improved wellbeing, lingam massage can bring a number of sexual benefits too. It can prolong an erection, enhance sexual performance and help in the improvement of premature ejaculation.

During a Lingam Massage, your tantric masseuse will stimulate the genitals over and over again without overloading your senses and therefore increasing your stamina for pleasurable touch. She will use erogenous zones to bring crashing waves of pleasure but because your therapist is in control, your climax is in control too, as she guides your body through the experience.

Having improved ejaculatory control is a real confidence boost – and is likely to impress your sexual partner too! The massage can also lead to improved body confidence because you are totally nude throughout. Baring all to a stranger can be hugely liberating and really make a difference to self esteem. You’ll never shy away from disrobing in the same way again.

Lingam Massage has also been known to aid in genital muscle toning and the treatment of anorgasmia – the inability to orgasm despite stimulation. Other recipients have reported it to be useful in improving libido, helping with fertility problems and tackling emotional trauma.

Lingam massage could be the answer to many of your prayers – or simply a delightful way to spend an hour or two. Either way, you should give it a go!

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